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Marine Industry

The shipping and port industry refers to all industries related to transporting cargo and people via sea routes. This includes: marine cargo businesses that transport import and export containers; marine passenger transportation businesses for transporting of people; stevedoring businesses that load and unload containers at ports; and shipbuilding businesses.

Jobs in the shipping and port industry are also very diverse: seafarers and pilots who work on navigation of vessels; crane operators and stevedores who unload cargo; tallymen (talliers) who check the loaded cargo; measurers who measure the total weight of cargo on board; surveyors and vessel design engineers who inspect and record the condition of vessels; vessel goods suppliers who supply various necessities; and vessel repair technicians.

Pillars of Exports
by Kim, Aesuk

4th Korea Ocean Art Photography Contest,
Bronze Medal

Jobs and Descriptions related to Shipping and Port Industry

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Job Description Learn More
Tallyman (Tallier) Confirms delivery of goods after inspecting the number of loaded cargo Q-net (www.q-net.or.kr)
Measurer Inspects items such as the volume and weight of loaded cargo
Surveyor Inspects and evaluates relevant certifications such as loaded cargo
(Maritime) Officer Takes charge of overall voyage including navigation, sea route, location calculation
Captain Chief officer, commands duties for navigation to crew
(Maritime) Engineer Manages ship’s engine system
(Maritime) Pilot Guides and navigates vessels in or out of the port safely
Navigation Manager Reviews and analyzes the ship’s status, loading and unloading situation, navigation expenses, and handling costs Korean Network for Occupations
and Workers
Ship Assemblyman and Inspector Assembles and inspects exterior and interior parts of the vessel
Licensed Customs Agent Performs import and export duties for companies or individuals Korea Customs Service
Hull Insurance Expert (Underwriter) Computes damages and insurance compensation when accidents arise Korea Insurance Development Institute
Vessel Wireless Communication Specialist Transmits and receives signals or messages to wireless station,
aircrafts and vessels
Stevedore (Docker) Takes charge of loading and unloading cargo Korean Network for Occupations and Workers
Shipbuilding Engineer Designs, builds, repairs, and maintains vessels and marine structures
Vessel Designer Designs vessels Vessel Design Human Resources
Development Center

※ The texts were written based on the outcome of "Development of Ocean Education Textbook" and "Development of Contents for Ocean Education Textbook" projects conducted by the Korea Maritime Foundation in 2010 and 2011.