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Production of Maritime Territory Educational and
Promotional Material

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  • Production of Maritime Territory Educational and Promotional Material

By making and distributing educational and promotional materials on marine territories for students and ordinary citizens, we could provide an opportunity for enhancing interests in marine territories and raise their awareness.

With the start of "Knowing Sea Territory Correctly," we have manufactured and distributed educational and promotional materials for elementary school, middle school, and high school students since 2013.

  • Accurate Understanding of Sea Territory (general workbook on marine territory)
    Accurate Understanding of Sea Territory
    (general workbook on marine territory)
  • Fun and Easy Steps to Sea Territor (marine territory textbook for elementary school students)
    Fun and Easy Steps to Sea Territory
    (marine territory textbook for elementary school students)
  • Great Sea Territory Adventure with Spotty (marine territory animation)
    Great Sea Territory Adventure with Spotty
    (marine territory animation)